Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I wanted to try a different type of layers, using only one material, in this case-spraypaint.  I think layering can show whatever the artists wants it to show, in my case I wanted people to focus on the planets.  I have always wanted to use spraypaint and this was an excellent opportunity.  I did re-do this because it was easy and i wanted to make it better than the last one. This was a big risk because I just had to go off of videos on how they did it.

5-Point Perspective city

Its 5-point perspective, its like looking thru a fish eye lens.

I think it looks really cool(although I'm not done).

I had to look it up on the internet in order to figure out how to do it
I learned a lot on this project, it has broaden my perspective on how to create perspective drawings.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oil Empire

I wanted people to be aware of this problem so I made it very obvious the issue by making the oil spewing out with words involving the war for oil.  this was the 1st time i think i have ever used text in such a way at such scale.  the hardest part was figuring out how to make the shadows.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Moon (still working on it)

  1.  Animation Project
  2. No, this is not my favorite type of project but I think it will help me the most in my career in the future.
  3. I managed to show the way the shadows might actually look, adding to the realism.
  4. Yes, I will use these techniques again.
  5. I like doing abstract non-animation projects, focusing on the interpretation of the picture due to the fact you cannot tell what the picture is. I also like taking a photo and correcting it or improving it.
  6. I didn't want to draw a picture and then make an animation sequence from it, I like working with some pre-designed objects.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Spoon and Snake re-submit!

This was re-done....looks way better!

Yes, I used a Snake and two different spoons(combined together). I tried to use the lasso tool, zoomed in a lot, in order to make very clean cuts. Yes, I combined a spoon with honey on it with an orange snake. I just did it this way because nobody would want to be pouring a spoonful of of "2 headed snake" into their tea.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Elephant got your tounge?

Pancake Being a Cannibal

dis art peece wuz mayd as wun uv thee furst Photoshop activiteeez we did. I tink thus is cree8tive becuz i tryd 2 mayk it app-ear ass tho it wuz eeting thee saym ting it wuz mayd uv. it wuz 'ard 2 mayk thee spays arownd thee mowth 2 luk gudd. i tink thee mowth it's-elf fitz preddy nise. i wudd mayk moar pancayks eeting it's-elf insiyd uv it's-elf. thee 'ard pard wuz rememburring wut toolz 2 klik hon cuz of thee od plays's thay wer lo-c8ed. i lurned sp'el-ing iz impurtunt.